Several organizations, aimly Intelligence services and military organizations, test capabilities for their teams to grow best tiers of cyber operators. At OnNet, we build story lines with a large real-world networks which are used to train, perform wargames and educate - in order to draw down the contrivance of better capabilities within the teams.
This service identifies and assists an organization with unique insider threats lurking in their networks. At OnNet we will offensively collect intelligence on suspected threats after authorized red-tape and stem such adversarial establishment out of the customers firm. With objectives reached, the customer gets access to a Team Server which has repositories of exfiltrated data for analysis, investigations and documentations. Some of threats involve insiders, others are internally established cabals and mostly shareholders with an axe to grind.
Training your team on Offensive Cyber Operations, planning, execution, can boster capability to for better SIGINT collection either on transit or at rest.
The CNO training has the following objectives:
a/ Understand all the five pillars of Information Operations, that is Computer Network Operations (CNO) aka Cyber, Electronic Warfare (EW), Military Deception (MILDEC), Operations Security (OPSEC), Psychological Warfare (PSYOP) aka MISO.
b/ Experiment the CNO Pillar for information operations by encompassing network attack, defense and exploiting.
c/ Collective establishment of Computer Network Exploitation (CNE), Computer Network Attack (CNA) and Computer Network Defense (CND).
d/ CNO Tooling especially for Command and Control.
e/ Develop solid Course of Action (COA) and other documentation required during planning and execution.
This is a class for Cyber Defenders who are planning to join Redteam operations. The students get to learn how Advanced Penetration testing is done, Operations in the Darkweb, Wireless security, Reverse Engineering, Web Application Security, Threat Hunting, Digital Forensics and Incidence Response
As the security landscape evolves with operating systems and application security vendors getting cyber security discerned, these products eventually are used by Organized criminals, terrorists and other adversaries. Getting the data required to prosecute, evaluate and stop crime when secure applications are in play requires tooling that will support full CNO spectrum for Military, Intelligence services and Law enforcement. This requires contrivance of tools that can bypass and evade security, collect & manipulate data, control & command the targeted devices, intercept & probe for further operations according to the mission at hand.
We offer Defensive cyber services that help organization to up their defensive posture. These are:
1. Threat Hunting (TH).
2. Digital Forensics and Incidence Response (DFIR) Blackbox.
3. Penetration Testing.
4. Red Team Operations (RTO).
5. Server and Infrastructure hardening. .