Forkbombo group, a son of the Cartel that was stopped by Multi-Agency taskforce at Kenya Revenue Authority, was tracked by OnNet from 2018 after they Penetrated one of the GoK Banks and stole several millions that was meant for a local industry upcountry.
Since 2010, we started battling online, and i build the Hackbattle as a personal project back then, for the community. The last scenario was released on 2013, codenamed The Nasty lab i then closed that venture after i joined back to serve at Cyber Command in MOICT and i thought someone would take it ove
Just as COVID hit last year, OnNet team did a probono class to introduce stakeholders on initial writing of tools for Computer Network Exploitation and Red teaming for the banking/Financial sector. This evolved to the first Class by Kenyan Military early 2021 which was extended to other classes across the region.
OnNet and Cyber ranges developed a storyline that has a unique set of infrastructures that showcase how a terror network develops capability online, to plan and fund operations before executing a terror action. This exercise takes you deep into development of Course of Action and other CNO documentations before actions on.